Filson Snyrtitaska - Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. This waxed-canvas duffle is a lighter-weight bag...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. This waxed-canvas duffle is a lighter-weight bag...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit is a lighter-weight dopp...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether for a round of sporting...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Our Tin Cloth Travel Kit is a lighter-weight dopp...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether as a gym bag or for a weekend...
Filson Tin Cloth bags are made for traveling light and fast, with all of the weather resistance and durability that’s made our bags legendary. Whether as a gym bag or for a weekend...
Sækja í búð - Frítt
Pakki í póstbox (2-5 virkir dagar) - 950 kr.
Pakki á pósthús (2-5 virkir dagar)- 950 kr.
Pakki heim (2-5 virkir dagar)- 1400 kr.
Pakki til útlanda (2-30 virkir dagar) - 2000 kr.
Stórhöfuðborgarsvæðið: Fyrir hádegi 23. desember
Landsbyggðin: Fyrir hádegi 22. desember
Samdægurs Heimsending á Suðvesturhorni (kl.17 - 22) - 1.400 kr.
(ath. pöntun þarf að berast fyrir kl.11 sama dag)
Heimsending næsta virka dag (kl.08 - 16) - 1.400 kr.
Sjálfsafgreiðslubox og afhendingarstaðir TVG - 950 kr.